Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Something Extra - Wednesday

Published:Tuesday | November 17, 2015 | 12:00 AM
André Graham, Frigidaire’s Balance the Spoon activity champion, won himself a free meal after keeping the table utensil on his nose for 12 minutes and 50 seconds while dining in the Courtyard at Marketplace last Friday.
From left: Pals Garfene Grandison, public relations and sponsorship executive, FLOW; Terri-Karelle Reid, brand manager, Gleaner Online; and Kim Bernard, brand and sales manager, BMW and MINI, pause for a quick snap during lunch at Toss & Roll Salad Bar on Monday.
Co-owners of the eatery Christopher's at Hermosa Cove, Clayton and Deb Korver, are distracted by their guests at the other side of the table.
First Global Bank's Peter Lindo listens attentively as Venesha Douglas so perfectly explains the RW menu at Christopher's on Sunday.
Patriotic Jamaicans Jason Jones and Tara Osborne not only enjoyed the Reggae Boyz match at Usain Bolt’s Tracks & Records last Friday, but also the exciting show put on by RW sponsors FLOW, Select Brands and Pepsi.

Diners all over The Rock have been 'balancing the spoon' while being feted by dancing girls and delectable cuisine. Restaurant Week is in full swing! Here is your daily dose of EXTRA!