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Gorge Inn, here to please

Published:Tuesday | March 13, 2018 | 12:00 AMRasbert Turner/Gleaner Writer
A regular customer at Gorge Inn Restaurant, 99-year-old Aston Johnson.
Gorge Inn's brown stewed fish.
Fried chicken, with rice and peas and pineapple pork.
If all you want is some fried chicken and fries, you can have that too.

On May 23, 2013, the Gorge Inn Restaurant and Lounge in Bog Walk, St Catherine, brought a positive addition to food offerings in the rural township.

It is located along Main Street and has become a household name.

"I eat here daily and enjoy the menu. I especially enjoy the good taste of the various dishes, which I find affordable," said Christell Wilson over lunch.

Proprietor Oral Clarke said the business has been growing ever since it opened.

"At the Gorge, we continue to work on the preparation of our daily menu and overall service to our customers. At the slightest request, we tweak the offerings to suit them, as we are here to please," Clarke said.

Among the dishes available are pineapple pork, fried chicken with rice and peas, French-fried chicken, fried fish, and curried goat.

The meats are served with tossed salad, ground provision, cornmeal, roasted breadfruit, bread, and whatever the customer may request.

Food was told that the venue was designed to please all who visit.

There is an ice cream parlour, a bar, and a VIP area.

"We have been getting great reviews about the taste and preparation of the dishes which we serve on a daily basis," Chef Glenroy Cammock said.