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Recognise and face your fear

Published:Sunday | June 2, 2024 | 12:06 AM

Have you ever wondered why do you fear, what is the root of it? Fear manifests in many ways and forms, but it all stems from a common source. While your greatest fear may differ from others’, the form or size of the fear doesn’t matter.

The core of every fear is the “I”. Whether it’s fear of uncertainty, losing loved ones, death, failure, rejection, loneliness, starting anew, losing comfort and convenience, making or repeating mistakes, or hurting others, the root is always “I”. What will happen to me? How will I cope without something or someone? These thoughts generate fear.

Our biggest mistake is running from what we fear. We avoid situations that might trigger our fears and ask others not to raise them. By always turning our backs on our fears, we never overcome them. To conquer fear, we must face it.


Begin by confronting the fear in your mind. Visualise the scenarios that scare you and let the fear arise, observe it without interference. Allow the fear to reach its peak, and let your mind and body respond naturally. Once you face it uninterrupted, you will notice its intensity decreasing. By examining your fears, you will find that the scenarios may still occur, but your fear will diminish.


The antidote to fear is living in the moment. Fear arises from thoughts about the future, worrying about what might happen to you or your loved ones. When you dwell on “what if” scenarios, you attract those situations into your life. Fear impacts your overall well-being which reduces your efficiency in both thoughts and actions. It’s essential to learn to enjoy the present moment. By ignoring this one aspect, you ruin your current happiness and future moments when they arrive. Embrace ease and happiness now, and your future will automatically be brighter.


We always have been told to have faith in God, but we must first develop faith in ourselves. Start the journey of your faith with the right quality of thoughts. When you train yourself to be authentic and have pure intentions, nothing wrong can happen. Build faith by cultivating qualitative thoughts, starting each day on a positive note, and focusing on sustaining this new habit. A self-doubting person will struggle to have faith in God too. Nurture high-energy thoughts to raise your vibration which, in return, boosts the faith others have in you.

By understanding your fears, living in the present, and substituting fear with faith, you can transform your life. Remember, the power to overcome fear lies within the fear itself.

Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Centre, Kingston (meditation courses and counselling are offered free of charge). Get in touch via email: or WhatsApp: 876-853-7848. Follow them on Instagram: rajyoga_meditation_jamaica.