Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Nothing is new

Published:Sunday | June 23, 2024 | 12:08 AM

Have you ever felt trapped in a situation that seems more challenging than anything you have faced before? It is a common experience, and many of us wonder why it feels this way. When confronted with a new challenge, it is natural to believe it is more difficult than past situations.

Our minds are often filled with thoughts of possible failure, and our faith in ourselves, life, and even the divine starts to waver. Suddenly, life feels engulfed in darkness, and our enthusiasm diminishes. We become so consumed by hardship and fear that our courage and confidence start to fade, which negatively affects our physical health as well as our personal and professional lives.

So, what is the solution? How can we learn from every negative situation, use it to become stronger, and maintain a positive, powerful mental state regardless of the situation’s intensity?


Spiritual wisdom offers a crucial reminder: “nothing is new”. This means that every challenging situation we face that appears to be new is not truly new. It is simply another opportunity to draw upon our past experiences and wisdom. We have navigated difficult situations before and emerged victorious, and this time is no different. We have the wisdom, experience, divine guidance, and inner strength that helped us succeed in the past. By reminding ourselves of this, we realise that we are merely repeating our past actions and successes. Success is guaranteed. Being the child of the Almighty, victory is our birthright.

The key factor that separates us from positive outcomes is often a lack of faith — in ourselves and in the process as well. Faith and patience are essential roads to success. By moving forward with confidence and not worrying about the various stages of the situation, whether favourable or unfavourable, we can keep progressing. Every stage will pass, just as it has in the past. The more we persist with courage and faith, the more we receive divine help at every step.

When we surrender ourselves to God’s will and flow with the flow, we place the responsibility for resolving the situation in His hands. We become actors in a play directed by someone who understands every scene better than we do. Remembering this can bring immense relief and empowerment. We have always emerged victorious, and we will continue to do so.

By recognising the fact that ‘nothing is new’, we can equip ourselves with a powerful mindset. We learn to view challenges as familiar tests rather than insurmountable obstacles. This perspective fosters resilience, faith, and the courage to keep moving forward, no matter what life throws our way. In this light, every challenge becomes a stepping stone to greater strength and wisdom, reaffirming our capability to succeed.

Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Centre, Kingston (meditation courses and counselling are offered free of charge). Get in touch via email: bkmeditation.jam@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 876-853-7848. Follow them on Instagram: rajyoga_meditation_jamaica.