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Frank Gordon served PNP with distinction

Published:Thursday | March 21, 2013 | 12:00 AM


MUCH HAS already been written and said about the late Frank Gordon, OD, who passed away on March 4, 2013, on the eve of his 9lst birthday, March 22. I feel privileged to add my personal tribute to the memory of this outstanding Jamaican who dedicated his life to advancing his philosophies that were deeply grounded in the teachings of National Hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey, and one who served the People's National Party (PNP) with distinction.

As a foundation member of the PNP, Frank Gordon's place in the party 's history is secure. He was highly regarded as part of the party's institutional framework and was a dedicated member for most of his life. His passing has occurred on the eve of the PNP's milestone 75th-year anniversary during which we will recognise the work and contribution of several of its stalwarts. Frank Gordon was one of them.

His close association with the labour union over many years is well recorded. He worked closely with the titans of the labour movement, Ken and Frank Hill, Arthur Henry, and later, Hopeton Caven as leader of the Trade Union Congress. He was well versed in protecting the rights of consumers and engaged in a large number of community projects.


Frank has been the recipient of several honours and awards, notably The Institute of Jamaica's Centenary Medal in 1980 and, prior to that, the Order of Distinction by the Government of Jamaica.

He was at various times referred to as 'the people's philosopher', historian, nationalist, political activist, as well as a Garveyite. He spent a great part of his life disseminating the teachings of Marcus Garvey and was, for several years, the president of the Universal Negro Improvement Association.

Always erudite in his presentations, I recall with deep admiration his many valuable contributions from the floor at party conferences over the years. A virtual storehouse of information, he was a credible part of the PNP's institutional memory and remained fearless in his presentations whenever the opportunity was presented.

We will all miss his wise counsel, his guiding principles and his strong spirit of optimism for the nation he loved.

I extend my sincere condolence to his children, relatives and countless friends.


Former Prime Minister and


People's National Party