Tue | Sep 24, 2024

Captain Burrell should resign

Published:Saturday | April 6, 2013 | 12:00 AM


I have waited to see how a particular issue relating to Jamaica's football would have been treated - especially by the media. As I expected, there has been almost deafening silence.

The truth is that Captain Horace Burrell, if he were a different kind of individual, would have apologised to the Jamaican people and then resigned as head of the Jamaica Fool Fool (ooops, Football) Federation immediately after the Jamaica-Panama match at the National Stadium. Yes, the Panama match.

What occured with the arrangments for access (the gates); and the associated danger to people's personal safety was nothing short of a disgrace.

Jamaica has been hosting matches of this nature for about 15 years, and if we have not been able to get this basic aspect right, after all this time, the person responsible should go.

total disorganisation

There are reports of people with bona fide tickets not being able to get into the stadium; the crush of the crowd was frightening; and there was total disorganisation.

So when contacted in Costa Rica about this, what does the good captain have to say: "I am in Costa Rica, but as soon as I get back, I will launch an investigation into this."

Launch an investigation into what? Who? Himself? He obviously doesn't get it. He is the one in charge.

Finally, it is my opinion that Jamaica's football will go nowhere with Captain Burrell at the helm. What we do is run around every four years begging corporate sponsors to invest huge sums in the train to nowhere.

For me, the poor results we get on the field are predicable, so I won't bother to take him and his coaching staff to task on that. But if you can't get a simple matter as opening enough gates right, what are you doing being in charge of the national programme? Captain Burrell needs to do the decent thing. Resign!

But then again, so many Jamaicans have made him believe that without him, there's no football. Pity.

