Mon | Sep 23, 2024

Well done, NWA!

Published:Tuesday | May 28, 2013 | 12:00 AM


It is not very often that a public entity in Jamaica makes a public announcement regarding high-profile projects to be undertaken, giving a specific date for completion, and actually meets this deadline.

So I believe when they do and actually meet the deadline, they should be publicly commended.

It is against this background that I wish to congratulate Mr E.G. Hunter and his team at the National Works Agency (NWA) for their outstanding performance as it relates to the repair work on the Sandy Gully Bridge in St Andrew - one of the busiest traffic corridors in the Corporate Area.

The agency announced about 10 days ago that major repair works to the bridge work would take two weeks.

Lo and behold, one week into the time frame given, we are told the work is completed.

It is obvious that the NWA team recognised the dislocation that the work would cause and did everything in their power to shorten the projected period. They were professional, courteous, attentive to details, and worked day and night to finish the job.

There are very important lessons to be learnt here. First, Jamaican workers can meet deadlines. They can be as professional and are as hard-working as workers anywhere in the world when they have the right leadership and the necessary resources.

Well done, NWA!


Chairman, LIME Jamaica