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OnePNP regrets traffic snarl

Published:Wednesday | September 11, 2019 | 12:08 AM


Further to the letter from Justice Roy K. Anderson published in The Gleaner dated September 9, 2019), on behalf of the OnePNP campaign, I unreservedly apologise to him, the residents of Trafalgar Park and indeed all motorists using the Ardenne Road corridor between 9 a.m. and noon on Saturday for the traffic jam they experienced.

The campaign used Ardenne High School as its delegates’ registration centre and shuttle origin point for transferring voters in the People’s National Party presidential election to the National Arena. The traffic management arrangements were, indeed, inadequate and relief only came about 10 a.m. when additional police officers arrived.

I did see Mr Justice Anderson in the traffic and apologised for the inconvenience. I also took his suggestion that in the future, it would be best for citizens to be alerted with sufficient notice. I will certainly make that submission.

I again ask the citizens to accept our apology for the undue delays in executing their Saturday morning activities.



OnePNP Campaign