HELLO MI NEIGHBOUR | Humble yourself and help others to succeed
Hello mi neighbour! Don’t forget that it’s a competitive world! All may fly, but few will soar! In this world people are always trying to outshine one another. Whatever one’s calling, those who outshine their colleagues usually get a bigger piece of the pie. Happens in every sphere: religion, business, sports, politics, etc. Those who outshine others not only receive a greater reward but often pay a higher price for the achievement and maintenance of their success.
What is unfortunate about the process, however, is the level of corruption, dishonesty, and abuse that can be involved in getting to the top. I say unfortunate because one can realise one’s ambition by walking the ‘straight and narrow’! What must be borne in mind though, is that those who get to the top by ‘cutting the line’ will sooner or later have their ‘line cut’. Tread wisely and honestly.
Be outstanding
It goes without saying that if you want to outshine your colleagues you must be outstanding. To excel at the workplace takes more than technical skills or being good at the job. Your attitude, professionalism and team spirit are critical to the process. You are not only required to show up for work on time but expected to go beyond the call of duty to get the job done. Working beyond regular hours and keeping personal calls, emails, texts, etc., to the very minimum are enviable habits to cultivate for those who desire to shine.
Whatever your job situation, it’s important to act professionally under all circumstances. Professionals will tell you that the workplace is no “walk in the park”. They follow company rules, are courteous, friendly, tactful, dress appropriately for your job and express a positive attitude. The more prepared you are to give a helping hand and find solutions, the brighter your light will shine!
A good piece of advice to potential outshiners, is to the take initiative whenever necessary, but not to “take the cake”. In other words, don’t get on people’s nerves. Always endeavour to do a good job but don’t push the limits of your work. It’s never wise to behave like ‘Mr Know All’, even though you may know more than all. Give suggestions to the boss and give him/her the liberty to take credit for it, if he/she so desires. Focus on key issues, humble yourself and help others to succeed!
Whether or not you are best friends with your boss or like him/her is not the issue. Get to know them, however. The better you understand your boss, the better you will be able to perform your job to his/her expectations and demands. With this kind of attitude who can outshine you?
Having said all of that though, now for the million-dollar question: should people spend more time on trying to outshine others or helping others to shine?
As you think on those things, imagine a world where people are not just trying to outshine others, but instead seeking to ‘outkind’ one another. In this world, motorists say something positive to the guy who comes to clean your windscreen. People
• Give a compliment where necessary
• Give someone the benefit of the doubt
• Forgive someone that has hurt you
• Offer a listening ear to someone in need
• Use kind words to turn away wrath
• Apologise where an apology will help
• Are considerate of others even if they don’t like them
• Pray for people including their enemies
• Marsha will take dinner for Sister G every week because of a kind deed done by her some years before
• Some will go over overboard to show you kindness to others
• People will be like Juliet, who always takes a little gift for some that she goes to visit.
• Still, others will be like Marva, who takes pleasure in searching for solutions for for others.
Let your kindness shine even as you seek to outshine others in this competitive world.
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To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 876 649-9636, or deposit in acct # 351 044 276 NCB. Alternatively, send donations to Hello Neighbour, C/o 53 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10; Paypal/credit card: email: zicron22@yahoo.com. Contact email: helloneighbour@yahoo.com. Visit hellomineighbourja.blogspot.com
Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner