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Published:Wednesday | February 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

When women lose that loving feeling (part 2) - A male reader, in response to my article, 'When women lose that loving feeling' asked for information about the types of vaginal lubricants available.

Published:Wednesday | February 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Men are extremely anxious about the size, shape and general appearance of their private parts.This week, we will discuss deformities which affect the penis and testes.

Published:Wednesday | February 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Dear Ms McDaniel, I am writing to you to ask for advice and guidance regarding my facial bleaching.

Published:Wednesday | February 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The most common complaint patients make to their doctor is of excess tiredness or fatigue.There are many possible causes, such as anaemia, poor nutrition, lung disease, infections, depression and insomnia.

Published:Wednesday | February 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Which exercise machine should I buy?Dear Dr Gardner,I am thinking of buying an exercise machine and I am seeking your advice on the most effective one.

Published:Wednesday | February 17, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Women choose contraception based on her existing health and risk factors, regularity of sexual activity, nature of relationship (for example, being stable or monogamous), convenience, side effects, and affordability of the contraceptive method.

Published:Wednesday | February 17, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Jamaica's homicide rate is among the highest in the world.

Published:Wednesday | February 17, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The combination of diet and exercise is the best prescription for weight reduction under normal situations.We did not develop 'pot bellies' overnight so to try to lose them overnight is unwise.

Published:Wednesday | February 17, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the period of Lent which ends on Holy Thursday. Many Christians make sacrifices during this period. These sacrifices include fasting and abstaining from some types of food such as animal proteins and alcohol.

Published:Wednesday | February 10, 2010 | 12:00 AM

1. Commitment: Commitment to each other and to the relationship is an important ingredient in a healthy relationship. Many of us want a committed relationship but don't express this clearly. When friends are committed to each other, they will work at their relationship...

Published:Wednesday | February 10, 2010 | 12:00 AM

St Valentine's Day is here again! The focus is on romantic love, and one of its main symbols is the heart. Affection is usually expressed by the giving of red roses, chocolates, and some people spend a special evening together dining...

Published:Wednesday | February 10, 2010 | 12:00 AM

In case someone out there missed the lifestyle makeover memo, here's a list of the important steps to loving yourself more and creating a happier more meaningful life:....

Published:Wednesday | February 10, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Recently, I was watching a television advertisement in which a personal lubricant was being promoted to enhance a woman's sexual satisfaction. The woman in the commercial attributed her enjoyment of the experience to the experience to the use...

Published:Wednesday | February 10, 2010 | 12:00 AM

For those who associate love with sex, one of the major challenges that gets in the way of expressing love is the status of the pubococcygeus muscles of the pelvic floor (more popularly known as the PC muscles).

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Sick smokers can double survival. People with early lung cancer who quit smoking could double their chances of surviving, a new study says.

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Are you ready to stop smoking tobacco in 2010? Well, this could be your lucky year. Tell us in 200 words or less when you started smoking and efforts made to stop. You could win free consultations and special features...

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Every year, during the last two weeks of January, there is a sharp increase in the number of women who present to pharmacies requesting pregnancy-test kits, presumably due to high rates of unprotected...

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Legumes include peas, beans, lentils and peanuts.Legumes, seeds and foliage are higher in protein than non-legume plants. An important characteristic of legumes is their ability to trap nitrogen in their root system because of the bacteria....

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

You can now blame your weight gain on your light bulbs, dinner plates and pantry, according to a new study in the Annual Reviews of Nutrition. It may sound crazy, but research finds that brighter lights increase stress which can stimulate...

Published:Wednesday | February 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Some people, as much as they try, are unable to gain weight. The reasons for this challenge include a high basal metabolic rate, heredity factors, nutritional disorders, and medical and environmental problems...

Published:Wednesday | January 27, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Memory involves the ability to store, retain and retrieve information, experiences and skills. The brain is responsible for memory and there are certain chemicals in the brain that are important to memory...

Published:Wednesday | January 27, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The recent earthquake in Haiti reminds us of our vulnerability to catastrophes in these island nations. The desperate situation in our sister nation should be a trigger for us to prepare for any eventuality. Everyone should make plans for times of turmoil....

Published:Wednesday | January 27, 2010 | 12:00 AM

A healthy nutritional status hedges against many acute illnesses and chronic diseases. This truth is strikingly evident in crisis situations such as in disasters where injury and reduced food intake are the order of the day....

Published:Wednesday | January 27, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Hiking is a great way to improve your fitness. It is an escape from the monotony and restrictions of the gym and can provide you with a unique experience...

Published:Wednesday | January 27, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Every morning as I leave home for work, I also leave a piece of my heart. At least, this is the feeling I get as I leave my young son at home. A feeling which, I believe, is shared by many mothers. I recently had a discussion with my female colleagues ...


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