Practice obedience and humility
One with good behaviour is a boy
One with good manners is a man
One with good discipline is a devotee
Students! Don’t misuse anything. Time is most crucial, once lost, it cannot be regained. Embark on service activities without wasting a moment. All your studies must be applied in service to society. Only then will your knowledge improve. What good are bookish knowledge, superficial knowledge, and general knowledge? All these are useless. Why? They do not have practical application. What we need today is practical application. You say the words chocolate, sugar candy, ice cream. But can you experience their taste merely by saying the names? Instead, eat a small piece and you get immediate direct experience.
So plunge into divinity. What good is it to say “God” over and over again? Today many people memorise the entire sacred scriptures. They know every verse, but they see no end to their sorrow. Why? If you practicse one verse, that is enough. There may be 50 matches in a matchbox., but you need only one matchstick to build a fire of any size. You don’t need all the 50 sticks.
Similarly, you have the five human values in you –truth, right action, peace, love and non-violence, practice one of them. That is enough. Love is the basis. Speak with love – that is truth. Perform actions with love – that is right action. Think with love –you experience peace. Enquire with love – it is transformed into non-violence. There is no place for hatred where love is present. Darkness has no place where light is present. Student! We pray “lead me from darkness to light”. Light these virtues in yourselves and drive away the darkness of ignorance.
Don’t develop pride and ego on account of your youth. This stage of youth is like passing clouds. It comes and goes in a flash. The period of youth must be made meaningful while it lasts. Respect parents and elders. Develop obedience and humility. Without humility, all education is a waste. But today’s students have no idea what humility means. They behave as they please.
You call yourself a boy, but you don’t have behaviour. “Start early, drive slowly, reach safely.” Do not compare your studies with your behaviour. Human values are human values. Do not compare them with anything because they are permeated with divinity.
Courtesy Sai Institute of Education West Indies, St Michael, Barbados. Visit them at or or email