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Shake it up with juices and protein shakes

Published:Thursday | September 24, 2020 | 12:06 AMKrysta Anderson/Gleaner Writer

You are what you eat. This applies to the way you drink as well. Whenever persons are looking to bulk up or slim down, a major part of their go-to health option is to include a liquid aspect to their diet. So let’s shake things up and find out a little bit more about the smooth and creamy variety.

When persons are looking to clean up their act, they usually stay as far away as possible from drinks which carry many calories, specifically those that carry artificial sweeteners as a flavour component. So they replace these options by taking a more natural approach with juices and smoothies, packed with nutritional benefits to build the immune system and for weight loss, among others benefits.

According to movie production assistant Ariane Collman, she decided to make juices, mostly smoothies, for herself because she realised it would be a quicker way to get more nutrients into her body as against having each fruit or vegetables individually. “I also just like mixing different ingredients and seeing what the result tastes like.”

Her favourite smoothie to make every day is spinach, banana and almond milk with cubes of ice. When she is looking to do something more elaborate, she will add flaxseed, another liquid-like water or coconut milk, kale and other fruits, depending on what the intended benefits are— whether it is for immune system support, improving energy levels, anti-inflammatory, or improving digestion. “The idea is to use ingredients that have a healthy source of fibre, protein and omega-3 fats,” she added.

Not only does drama teacher Shelly-Ann Sibblies employ juices as part of her weight-loss regime, the blended beverages help significantly with improving a gland issue she has called hidradenitis suppurativa. As well, “I mainly use ingredients with antioxidants, like berries, blueberries, strawberries and, from time to time, mixed berries; pineapple, beetroot, callaloo, celery and kale.” She has seen major improvement with her glands and lost weight in the process.

Shakes are geared towards increasing protein in the diet and are definitely seen as being beneficial, since they digest quicker and, ultimately, work faster in providing that nutrient to your body. Artist Romain Lewis explains that he will have shakes some evenings. “I always liked protein shakes and it is usually as dinner supplements on lighter days, to avoid excess carbs,” he said.

Physiotherapist and personal trainer Douglas Evelyn is also a fan of protein shakes as well. He once sold the powder as a cost-efficient alternative for clients who found the product to be an expensive purchase. “It’s easier to get more protein by drinking it and more convenient, too. Many places that sell the protein shake powder are very expensive, so I found a direct source, which was beneficial for others, along with myself.”

Ramone Bailey, a long jump athlete, shared that protein shakes plays an important part in his training because it helps with recovery and building muscles. The shakes play an active role in his healthy lifestyle and it is actually provided by his club for weekly consumption.