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Some teachers reportedly staging sit-ins over wage issues

Published:Tuesday | May 26, 2015 | 12:29 PM

Some teachers are reportedly staging sit-ins to register their frustration over the protracted wage discussions with the Government.

The Gleaner/Power 106 News Centre understands that teachers at the Jose Marti High School, St George’s College, Titchfield and Cornwall College are participating in the protest.

On Friday, the Central Executive of the Jamaica Teacher's Association passed a resolution to take all action deemed necessary to ensure that demands for an improved salary offer are met.

Today’s industrial action follows two weeks of teachers wearing black in protest of the government's five per cent wage offer.

This offer has been rejected.

Contacted by our news centre this morning, JTA President, Doran Dixon, said he has heard rumours of teachers engaging in protest action but he says the association did make a call for industrial action.

Dixon says the JTA supports teachers exercising their constitutional rights.


JTA President Doran Dixon

Dixon says a meeting has been called for this Thursday at the Ministry of Finance to continue wage negotiations.

He says the JTA will host consultations in Portland, St Mary, St Thomas and St James on Friday to update teachers on the outcome of the talks.