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The 2021 harvest awaits - ‘The Anointed Writer’ reminds Christians that the promises of God still stand

Published:Sunday | January 3, 2021 | 12:06 AMShanna Monteith - Sunday Gleaner Writer
Amoy Lawrence
Amoy Lawrence

At the start of the year 2020, many were excited about their individual plans and the promises and prophecies that were revealed to them and declared over their lives. However, as the year progressed, things took an unexpected turn which, of course, caught everyone off guard, derailing many.

Using learnings from the past, there are those who are approaching this new year cautiously, some with less excitement and little to no plans for their future in place.

However, Christian youth advocate, Amoy ‘The Anointed Writer’ Lawrence, is encouraging others that the promises of God still stand.

Speaking with Family and Religion she said, “The year 2020 was nothing like any of us had imagined. The bad definitely outweighed the good in this ‘panoramic’ and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon. Despite the challenges, one thing is certain, and that is the faithfulness of God. He never goes back on a promise; He always honours His word.”

As she encouraged others, despite the lingering tremors of 2020, to “Get up, brush yourself off and increase your faith for the promise still stands”, the believer shared a popular verse – Numbers 23:19 which reads, “ God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good”?

Betting on the sure-fire nature of God, the Anointed Writer encouraged others not to simply sit back and wait for the manifestation and fulfilment of said promise but to prepare to receive same.

According to Lawrence, “Whatever God has promised will come to pass. In my own personal walk, I had been believing for a lot in 2020, but God whispered to me one day that 2020 was a gap year. Much of what we were believing God for in 2020 shall come to pass in 2021. However, we must steward the current season well. In your transitioning and settling into 2021, understand that your physical preparedness goes hand in hand with your spiritual faith.

Prayer is just as important as preparation. If you fail to prepare; you can prepare to fail. Pray, plan, prepare for the things that God has promised to you. Financial breakthrough requires financial discipline; while that new car requires a driver’s licence. Never let it be that God is ready to bless but you are not yet ready to receive. The 2021 harvest awaits.”