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Edwin Allen High gets new state-of-the-art gymnasium

Published:Tuesday | January 23, 2024 | 12:08 AMRaymond Graham/Gleaner Writer
Some of the equipment in Edwin Allen High’s new state-of-the-art gymnasium.
Some of the equipment in Edwin Allen High’s new state-of-the-art gymnasium.
Principal of Edwin Allen High Jermaine Harris (left) with brothers Vergel Blake (second left), Philmore Blake (third left) and Austin Blake.  The Blakes donated a state-of-the-art  gymnasium to Edwin Allen yesterday at the school’s 60th anniversary celeb
Principal of Edwin Allen High Jermaine Harris (left) with brothers Vergel Blake (second left), Philmore Blake (third left) and Austin Blake. The Blakes donated a state-of-the-art gymnasium to Edwin Allen yesterday at the school’s 60th anniversary celebrations.

EDWIN ALLEN High School’s sporting programme got a significant boost yesterday with the handover of a new state-of-the-art gymnasium at a ceremony held at the school to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

The gymnasium was handed over by Vergel Blake, a resident of John’s Hall, on behalf of his family. Blake migrated to the United States in 1975.

“Growing up I wanted to attend Edwin Allen High School, but I did not get the chance to do so as I was turned down in 1974,” Blake said. He migrated to the United States the following year to continue his education.

He stated that his first communication with coach Michael Dyke came in 2020 when his team had a long delay in Miami while going to the Penn Relays in Philadelphia.

“My brother, who attended Edwin Allen, went to the airport and assisted them with food and refreshment, and he called me, telling me that the team needed financial support for their athletics programme. We did a fundraising project, which lasted over three months, where one million Jamaican dollars was raised,” he said.

“On my first visit to the school later that year (2020), I saw where they needed a gymnasium and decided to help in this area, and the rest is now history,” said Blake, who is a computer network expert based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Coach Dyke was very happy to receive the gymnasium.

“I am really excited as this will definitely help in eliminating injuries to the athletes. It will also help to facilitate members of staff and the community and can also help in generating additional funds for the school’s sporting programme,” said Dyke.

Principal Jermaine Harris was also grateful for the gesture.

“As we celebrate Edwin Allen High’s 60th anniversary under the theme ‘Honouring Traditions, Embracing the Future’, we are delighted to receive a gymnasium courtesy of the Blake family. We are indebted to Vergel Blake and his brothers Austin and Philmore Blake for the kind gesture.”

“The gym is a fitting birthday gift to the school. This is an important addition to the sports programme and will be a major help as the school looks to reclaim the girls’ title at the ISSA/GraceKennedy Boys and Girls’ Championships,” Harris said.