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Stories by Corey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Published:Sunday | July 14, 2024 | 12:12 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Jodi-Ann Nelson was brought to tears as she read the second lesson at her father’s funeral yesterday but later composed herself enough to deliver a fitting tribute to the man she hailed as her hero. Her father, Job Nelson, a veteran journalist,...

Published:Sunday | June 30, 2024 | 12:09 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Relatives of Shankar Maragh are worried sick. They have not seen the 36-year-old, a deportee from the United States who battles mental illness, since April 2020. They hope he is still alive; his twin sister Shakeera is the most faithful, but with...

Published:Sunday | June 23, 2024 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

A fallout between the National Housing Trust (NHT) and one of its contractors is being cited as the primary factor jeopardising the completion deadline of an overnight stay facility for parents at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in Kingston....

Published:Sunday | June 16, 2024 | 12:14 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

For the past eight years, Kingsley Bennett* has endured an emotional rollercoaster due to his daughter’s mother, who he alleges has consistently defied visitation orders from the Family Court, striving relentlessly to undermine his relationship...

Published:Sunday | June 9, 2024 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

With hundreds of deaths and an almost-crippled economy, Jamaica’s brush with the COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionised the country’s employment and economic landscape, and its leadership should take note and adapt. This was a charge issued by Dr...

Published:Sunday | June 9, 2024 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

The spotlight on social-intervention tactics in crime-ravaged neighbourhoods, controlled by gangs with unchecked violence, is glaring. While some critics and security stakeholders support these methods, others remain critical, citing their...

Published:Sunday | June 2, 2024 | 12:12 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

The University of the West Indies (UWI) last week launched its revamped sexual harassment policy, which it said will add a total of $14 million to its salary bill to battle a scourge at least four alleged victims believe is beyond control. In fact...

Published:Sunday | May 19, 2024 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Almost 60 students and staff at an elementary school in Dumfries, Virginia in the United States, erupted in excitement when the Supreme Court last week found businessman Omar Collymore guilty of plotting the murder of his wife and, consequently,...

Published:Monday | May 13, 2024 | 12:06 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Two pink poui trees shed their flowers by the hundreds in the front yard of the St Andrew Primary School but Denis Reid doesn’t mind; he sweeps them with pride. At 70 years old, he has finally found purpose. And this is it. He is a groundsman –...

Published:Sunday | May 12, 2024 | 5:44 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

They were fêted, appreciated, and loved, and for most of them, the feeling was unusual. In fact, it’s quite rare for school security guards and ancillary staff, “the real heroes on the ground”, to be treated with such regard – and for some, it...

Published:Sunday | May 12, 2024 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Only 12 persons have been brought before the courts for breaches of the Wildlife Protection Act in the last four years – an unacceptably low number, according to wildlife experts who have cited the decimation of the crocodile population as one...

Published:Sunday | May 5, 2024 | 12:35 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Educators at Effortville Primary School in Clarendon regard the institution as a trendsetter, moulding ‘STARS’ bent on improving themselves, parents and a community plagued by social ills and gang warfare. A trendsetter, they said, because...

Published:Sunday | April 28, 2024 | 7:21 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

They enjoy protected status and pride of place atop Jamaica’s coat of arms – a symbol of unending resilience and the strength of the Jamaican people. Yet over decades, their habitats have been decimated to make room for development, and their...

Published:Sunday | March 31, 2024 | 1:29 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

If not for divine intervention, five-year-old Domanique would not be alive today. A starkly sobering fact his mother Davianne McDermott is quite cognisant of. Also not lost on her is God sending three teenage heroes to rescue her son from drowning...

Published:Monday | March 25, 2024 | 11:50 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

A high percentage of the police force’s crime scene investigators are experiencing serious mental health challenges due to repeated exposure to gruesome crime scenes and stomach-churning autopsies, a recent study has revealed. Even more concerning...

Published:Sunday | March 24, 2024 | 12:15 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

It cost the country $87.4 million to import special templates to print ballots for the last four elections, $53.7 million of which have gone down the drain because a high percentage of Jamaicans continue to shun their democratic right to vote. The...

Published:Sunday | March 10, 2024 | 12:08 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

It is a double murder that residents of Christian Meadows would rather not remember. But also one that police, firefighters, and other first responders in Portmore, St Catherine, cannot afford to forget. In fact, the tragic murders of 69-year-old...

Published:Sunday | February 11, 2024 | 7:31 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

He was walloped and unseated from the Manchester Central constituency in the 2020 general election. The year before that, he lost the leadership bid for the People’s National Party (PNP). And to date, some are still shaking their heads at his “...

Published:Sunday | January 28, 2024 | 12:08 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

A senior official at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, is now under investigation for the alleged sexual harassment of a female subordinate, who is now fearful and doubtful about her professional future at the institution. The Sunday...

Published:Sunday | January 14, 2024 | 12:09 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) trade is being plagued by skulduggery as unscrupulous competitors either steal each other’s cylinders, taking them out of the trade, or fill their rivals’ cylinders with their own products. The practice is...

Published:Sunday | January 14, 2024 | 12:06 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Long delays and policy nuances in the local adoption process are reportedly forcing more and more aspiring parents to conduct “private adoptions” with some reportedly offering to purchase children from their parents. These adoptions are reportedly...

Published:Sunday | December 31, 2023 | 12:11 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

First, there was the distance spanning the United States and Jamaican borders. Then there were cultural differences and behavioural modifications that brought unfathomable challenges in the past year. However, none of the difficulties defeated...

Published:Sunday | December 24, 2023 | 8:02 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

Had any of the myriad complications that threatened baby Daniella Douglas’ heart surgery two weeks ago materialised, the world would have been denied her rambunctious laughter, infectious dance moves and adorable personality. It would have been...

Published:Sunday | December 24, 2023 | 8:01 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

This Christmas will be particularly special for 17-year-old Vere Technical High School student Jaylene Blake, and no one is prouder than her mother Natalie Dias, a cancer patient who said God has been answering her prayers by keeping her alive to...

Published:Sunday | December 10, 2023 | 12:10 AMCorey Robinson - Senior Staff Reporter

“This is absolutely scary!” declared Mary Jones when she beheld thousands of dead fish lining the Harbour Head shoreline in Harbour View, St Andrew, yesterday morning. She was among several persons who made the usual Saturday morning trek to the...


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