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One love, one heart, one purpose

Published:Tuesday | January 19, 2010 | 12:00 AM


AS WE witness the efforts of good people to help with the massive tragedy in Haiti, it is worth noting that we tend to forget our differences as the world of humanity reaches out to help our brothers. At these times, we forget which day is proper to worship God, which foods are proper for heaven's journey and which kind of worship is the kind God wants. We put aside the pigmentation of our skins and which area of the world we live.

The common good of humanity is triggered within all of us. The sight of people working side by side in the relief effort should at least teach us that we all live on one single planet and, most of all, we can live and love each other despite all the man-made divisions. The words of Bob Marley, 'One love, One heart', should come to mind. Or could it be what John Lennon only imagined in his hit song, Imagine, all the people living life in peace?

The images of Cuban and Israeli doctors working with may others to save lives and make this world a better place should warm our hearts. The good that is within the hearts of all humans should be observed.

It has taken a famine in Ethiopia, tsunami in Indonesia and now a frightening earthquake in our sister country, Haiti, to bring humanity together once more for good. All people of goodwill, in showing compassion for the suffering in Haiti, exhibit the love that is embedded in each of us.

Living love will combat evil

When the long road to recovery is nearing its end, hopefully, well-thinking humans will see that all religions and isms that divide humanity can fly out the window when tragedy strikes.

The simple truth of a certain Galilean was that the two greatest commandments were "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as yourself" (See Mark 12: 30-31). If only humanity could keep these two principles in our minds, we could avert many a wars and the darker things that men have done to each other throughout the ages, which could, in many cases, be averted.

I am, etc.,


Orlando, Florida