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Celebrating Frank Gordon

Published:Saturday | March 23, 2013 | 12:00 AM


Frank Gordon lived his life as a 'walking encyclopaedia' with rich knowledge on critical watershed periods of the sociocultural and political landscape of Jamaica's history and heritage.

On March 22, Frank Gordon would have celebrated his 91st birthday. The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) celebrates the life of this great man. He has been described as a veteran trade unionist, historian, and an ardent Garveyite, assimilating one of our greatest philosophers at whose feet he learnt the tenets of true humanity.

Mr Gordon would always participate in the annual Marcus Garvey floral tribute held at the National Heroes Park on August 17 organised by the JCDC. Though not physically able to travel around as he used to, for the last five years, the JCDC would ensure that he was still able to travel and pay homage to his mentor.

informal education

Called an 'intuitive scholar', much of Mr Gordon's education took place in the informal, tranquil settings under the banyan trees of the now St William Grant Park heritage site, formerly Victoria Park. He would also attend meetings of highly regarded bodies such as the St Andrew Literary and Debating Society, the National Reform Association among others.

A true patriot, his love for his country, culture, and people reverberated through his penned and spoken words. He spoke of letters he had written in 1962 to Edward Seaga, then culture minister, and Sir William Alexander Bustamante, suggesting that our first black governor general should be installed in the National Stadium. Although he did not take credit, that same year it was announced that the Governor General Sir Clifford Campbell would be installed there.

A life of uncompromising and distinguished service, Mr Gordon has been recognised and awarded the Order of Distinction in 1972 and the centenary medal in 1980 by the Institute of Jamaica. The National Consumers League honoured him for his services to the Prices Commission Board and has been saluted by the African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica of the Institute of Jamaica, and The Hugh Lawson Shearer Trade Union Education Institute.

The JCDC salutes Mr Frank Gordon as a gentle giant whose life serves as a legacy.