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LETTER OF THE DAY - Housing is a human right!

Published:Tuesday | March 26, 2013 | 12:00 AM


It cannot be contested that we have a chronic shortage of housing for our people. Yet, our Government says that taking $45.6b from the National Housing Trust (NHT) will not affect its ability to deliver. Something seems very wrong!

The provision of affordable housing is not for the free market to determine. It is an issue of basic human rights. According to Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Jamaica is a signatory: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care." The conditions under which many Jamaicans live are cruel and inhuman.

The Government and the NHT board must be held accountable for the fact that in the context of a colossal chronic housing shortage, the NHT is so cash rich that it can give away $45.6b. Why have NHT funds not been used to build low-cost housing to replace the hundreds of informal settlements all across Jamaica? Politicians seem more interested in the density of votes in squatter communities than in improving conditions there.

Should the NHT funds be used to eliminate the dehumanising squatter communities, this, undoubtedly, would reduce the alarming levels of violence and incivility in our society and the attendant high social and economic costs. The whole society would benefit.

No time for arrogance

This is not a time for arrogance or bullyism, despite the dire economic circumstances. We need a publicised plan for the use of this $45.6b: allocations, expected results, safeguards to ensure integrity and best practices, periodic reviews and credible reports, etc.

We have no proof that previous withdrawals from the NHT were used constructively or squandered.

We need an urgent review of the NHT's mandate and its performance by an impartial body and the findings deliberated publicly.

Too much is at stake!

We ask all Jamaicans, particularly our Christian family, to support this call!


St Richard's Roman Catholic Church