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Seatonhurst Drive pours out to NWC

Published:Saturday | March 30, 2013 | 12:00 AM


The residents of Seatonhurst Drive, off Lady Musgrave Road, have made repeated requests to the National Water Commission (NWC) to correct a problem which allows the cumulative effect of several gallons of water to be wasted.

There is a continuous flow of water from the rear of the premises located at 25 Windsor Avenue into Seatonhurst Drive and also into Lady Musgrave Road. This is a waste of a most precious commodity.

This occurrence has been a problem for approximately six weeks. In addition to downright neglect and waste, the prolongation of this condition has resulted in damage to the surface of the roads in our community; it is a safety issue and hazardous to pedestrians. Foremost, it is now a breeding environment for mosquitoes.

Phyllis Berry