Sun | Jun 16, 2024

Utilise idle lands

Published:Thursday | May 5, 2022 | 12:08 AM


Despite efforts by governments under both parties, Jamaica continues to suffer from some basic problems. Among them are underemployment, adverse trade balances and food insecurity.

In the meantime, there are thousands of acres of unused lands which were once devoted to the production of sugar cane, but have now been idle for decades. I believe our problems could be alleviated if all, or some of the following could be attempted.

(1) Subdivide the former canelands into individual farms of 300 to 500 acres each, lease these farms to interested parties, or put them under the management of government agencies headed by graduates of our agricultural college, and devote them to the production of food crops such as corn, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, peanuts, gungo peas, red peas and green vegetables. I believe the old ‘Spring Plains’ idea could be revisited. The cultivation of rice may also be tried, as this had been done in the past, and the cultivation of mangoes, papayas, and other exotic fruits should also be encouraged.

(2) Labour could be recruited from all over the country, in the same manner as men are recruited to go on the farmwork programmes in the USA and Canada. Barracks could be built on each farm for temporary housing.

(3) A pool of mechanical aids, such as tractors, trucks and water pumps, could be centrally established, with trained operators and maintenance personnel in place to keep them running and available whenever they are needed.

(4) Fish, poultry and dairy farming, along with goat and pig rearing, should also find their place on these vast acreages.

If any or all of the above could be successfully attempted, the results would be absolutely positive. There would be a reduction of unemployment, improved trade balance, greater food security, and a happier and more prosperous society. I hope our minister of agriculture will look at the idea.