Wed | Jul 3, 2024

Agriculture Ministry launches Eat Jamaican Global Campaign

Published:Tuesday | June 18, 2024 | 1:06 PM
Minister of Agriculture Floyd Green addressing delegates on day two of the10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, Montego Bay, St James on June 18. – Ashley Anguin photo.

The Agriculture Ministry is looking to expand its reach while encouraging members of the diaspora to support local produce with its Eat Jamaican Global Campaign, says Portfolio Minister Floyd Green. 

The initiative was launched  Tuesday morning at the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, St James.

It is an expansion of the 20-year-old Eat Jamaican Campaign and will also be celebrated on November 25. 

According to Green, his ministry will be partnering with additional local companies and farmers to ensure that authentic Jamaican food items are exported across the world. 

He further pointed that Jamaica recently exported its first two shipments of mangoes to Florida and New York, two North American states which are heavily populated by Jamaicans.

Through the initiative, Green announced that special efforts will be made to assist diaspora members in identifying authentic Jamaican brands and produce coming straight from "yard". 

In the meantime, Green pointed out that Jamaica's export market has been growing through the steady need for authentic food across the world.

Just last year, the country earned US$94 million from the export of agricultural produce, the minister shared.

"Last year, we saw about two per cent increase in the value of fresh agricultural exports that we were able to send abroad."

Yam has been identified as the number one non-traditional export item, as Green said that the produce raked in over US $50 million in 2023.

This was a jump from the $37 million earned the previous year. 

There has also been a 20 per cent increase in the export of Jamaican sauces. 

While pushing the importance of the Eat Jamaican Global Campaign, Green pointed out the local cuisine is highly sought after across the world. 

"And the truth is, no matter how much mango you eat, none nuh nice like Jamaican Julie and East Indian. Nuh true? You know you could ginger from wherever, [but] Jamaican ginger is different. It has a particular flavourful vibe." 

"We have the nicest food in the world and as such, we want to ensure that we are eating more of it." 

The agriculture minister also stressed the benefits of this initiative in the growth of Jamaica's economy. 

"When you do so, you are not only eating healthier, you are not only eating better, but you are supporting farmers and families right here in your yard," said Green. 

- Rochelle Clayton

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