Mon | Jul 8, 2024

Letter of the Day | Put an end to the cycle of insecurity

Published:Saturday | June 29, 2024 | 12:07 AM


The Israel-Gaza war, Russia-Ukraine crisis, genocides of the Rohingya in Myanmar, in Darfur-Sudan, in Tigray, and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts, among others, stem from an unequivocal notion that one’s race, ethnicity or creed is predominantly greater in every respect. It is evident that, as each generation is birthed, there is an intensified egotism, serving resolutely as a throttlehold. A recurring cycle dawns, devoid of a renewed vision, staunchly intolerant of acculturation. These resistant winds invite a period of prolonged stagnancy, abject hate and, above all, unalloyed insecurities. This persistent, dispiriting energy paints tones of dejection and apprehension plaguing the lives of innumerable people for countless decades and beyond. How they crave to escape the malignant fate these ‘supreme powers’ have carved for them!

I am in complete awe and dumbfounded as to how it is our world continues to salute this insufferable distaste exuding from these omnipresent, unrelenting large-scale wars and economic entanglements. Today’s crises are still bred from an unadulterated ignorance which decisively refuses to culminate its last act. These deeply entrenched, archaic ideologies and philosophies that have been inherited must now be retired so progress can be realised. Frankly, there is a grand disconnect, in my opinion, between today’s global economic and social issues and the modern stance surrounding peace ‘agreements’, which seeks purely to facilitate an air of palaver to a large degree, serving merely as a façade of heartening reception, dodging the salient issues at hand.

As the world desperately yearns for these pronounced afflictions, however cowardly in nature, to be righted, they obliterate our core sense of what defines justice, as human rights abuses are briskly swept out of sight. Genocide, ethnocide, homicide and econocide are antiquated terms which continue to rear their ugly heads. They must now be deemed obsolete in every respect. The suffix ‘-cide’, sadly is still being summoned by the present. Assured of its victory, let’s embrace a radical change that will ultimately create a formidable and awakened future.

Kahlil Gibran once said: ‘’Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape. These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling.And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes the shadow to another light .And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.’’