Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Gear for growth

Published:Monday | March 7, 2011 | 12:00 AM


Everybody knows that economic growth has been evading Jamaica for quite some time and that the causes are many and varied. But if man can put man on the moon and has been exploring space, it should not be difficult for little Jamaica to achieve and maintain economic growth at desirable levels, with assets such as proximity to the United States, the richest market on the planet; males and females of brilliant minds and achievements; fertile lands; more than adequate average rainfall and good weather, just to name a few.

However, although it has been universally accepted that the level of employment is an index of economic growth, proper planning has seldom been in place to stimulate employment. Tourism should be the principal industry to generate the level of employment needed to stimulate growth through effective demand for Jamaican goods and services. If we are to optimise earnings from the tourist industry, most of what tourists consume must have been produced in Jamaica.

It would be a big help if we got our friendly Chinese to do some of their manufacturing here through generous incentives. Incidentally, the Chinese have been working wonders with the bamboo plant, which we can produce in abundance, so they would never be out of material. We could learn a lot for ourselves.

I am, etc.,



Mandeville, Manchester