Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Guard the guards

Published:Saturday | April 27, 2013 | 12:00 AM


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? A Latin phrase which, translated, means, 'who will guard the guards?' is one that is intrinsic and most applicable in light of recent occurrences such as the massive drug seizure in an armoured security vehicle in Montego Bay, coupled with the brutal assault on the lives of security personnel in the industry in the last two years in Mandeville, Old Harbour and a triple murder in Negril.

The industry must be fully cognisant of the fact that we serve a greater purpose than lifting barriers and opening gates. In the diurnal discharge of our duties, security managers must be aware that we owe the citizens of this country a duty of care and we must make them feel safe.

The extent to which the industry is being used by hoodlums to convey narcotics is one that must not be overlooked as a casual occurrence. Drugs are often linked with guns, and guns with crimes. Bluntly, citizens will not feel safe. If residents cannot guarantee this feeling of safety from the police nor the private industry, where then should they go?


While speaking with a number of clients and members of the general populace, it has come to my knowledge that there are so many instances where, because of the strain placed on the Jamaica Constabulary Force, people have seen it necessary to rely even more on the private security industry for protection.

Though I have no qualms in joining the call for divine intervention, let all be aware that a little sitting down, a little folding of the hands, a little giving up, and the surge of crime will overcome us.

This underscores the fact that the industry has a most vital and viable role to play in the whole nexus of national security and making people feel safe. We must join in the fight against crime, wherever it shows its hideous face, even more so when it's in our own house. We have to guard the guards.


Senior Operations Manager

Atlas Group of Companies
