Sat | Oct 5, 2024

More children to learn tennis

Published:Sunday | October 16, 2016 | 2:35 PM
Neriah Watson from Gospel Refuge Basic School, Barbican Road, is a young tennis ace in the making who participated in the recent Gore Family Foundation Play & Stay Tennis initiative.

Back-to-School in September for the children of Chetolah Park Primary, Sandhurst Early Childhood, Mission Hall Methodist and St Anne's Infant schools proved to be much more fun than usual.

The principals at all four schools were approached by the Gore Family Foundation (GFF), regarding Play & Stay Tennis lessons for the young students and as the new term began, and the initiative got underway, and as the GFF coaches made their first appearance at the schools, the cheers from the principals, teachers and children went up.

Tennis introduces a sport into the children's day, one that instills self-discipline while remaining exceptional fun to learn.

The tennis coach as a male figure, introduces that special role model to numerous youngsters, so that the teaching-and -learning process becomes a unique experience.

Play & Stay Tennis is the same programme United States first lady, Michelle Obama has implemented in the USA's school system with great success.


Once tennis has been

established, the Foundation then moves forward to upgrade and institute proper nutrition, hosting workshops for school cooks, teachers and parents,

followed by solid assistance to improve academic performance.

GFF is keen to introduce the Play & Stay method, the

teaching-and-learning process, to as many basic schools in the Corporate Area as the foundation can manage.