Fri | May 31, 2024


Published:Sunday | March 17, 2024 | 12:09 AM

Distant friends

At three in the morning it’s time for the meet,

Outside of the house just before the street.

The air is cool, breathing feels refreshing,

Tranquil and soothing, the perfect setting.

How are you doing? Usually no reply,

As I gaze upon them in the night sky.

They look down on me, but not condescending,

They’re bright , sincere, never pretending.

Far in the sky, light years away

But always here at the end of the day.

Here when the unnatural lights have failed,

Here when my darkest moment delayed.

They don’t talk back, but it’s fine,

But I know my friends are one (in millions) of a kind

A twinkle there and a continued guide on my path,

They give me hope, a light in the confusion and wrath.

When the darkness fades away and the sky is bright blue,

They’re still there just not in direct view.

For a bigger friend is there when my day has begun,

Just for a while I get to welcome my sun.

Beautiful, immeasurable, luminous, that’s who they are,

My very distant, always near friends, true Stars.

Davin Stewart

Identity Politics

They try to tell you who are

And who you should be

A system of lies that forces you to deny your own glory

….HIS glory

The one that writes your story

Yet you backslide from His commandments

Ignore personal commitments

And cling to cases of compliments

And packs of promises

Why would you take handouts?

And let go of His hand?

Don’t you know there is so much, and no more, that can be accomplished by man?

My friends, the Kingdom awaits your revelation

There are many people running for your vote in life’s election

But their manifestos don’t compliment your salvation

Stop seeking consolation, validation and elevation from worldly constructs

And don’t be distracted by the leaders of the land

These leaders can be money, fame, your children and even a man

Instead cling to the hope of the Kingdom

And walk gracefully knowing you are God’s unique creation

– Shanice Brown