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Stories by Fr Richard Ho Lung

Published:Thursday | August 9, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

On August 18, at the Little Theatre, at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., our group premieres the production The Parables. On the Sunday, we have shows at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Our telephone numbers are 876-948-6173, 876-585-2263, 876-806-1222. Tickets are...

Published:Thursday | July 26, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

"Teacher, we want to see a sign from you."Jesus, so wonderful, so powerful, so kind, has already given a sign. He has come down to Earth to His people, sent by His Father. And He has forgiven us of our sins. He has wiped away sins, the source of...

Published:Thursday | July 19, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Is there such a person named Christ who walked, lived and breathed on the face of the earth? Yes or no? Christ says, "In my Father's house there are many mansions. If not, I would have told you because I go to prepare a place...

Published:Thursday | July 12, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

"To sin is human, to forgive is divine." All of us have experienced that in different ways - with one another, between strangers, and between friends who have had difficulties between them.What would we do without the forgiveness of others? Have we...

Published:Thursday | July 5, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

There is friendship between father and son, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandchildren, working and business partners, recreational partners in sports, and friends dining together and sharing deep thoughts at church,...

Published:Thursday | June 28, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Friendship is a wonderful gift. As Ecclesiastes says, it is better that two be together than one, for they have the advantage of each other's gifts and strengths.Once there is friendship, if one falls, he will be supported by the other. If you are...

Published:Thursday | June 21, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

What is the right thing to do? What is good? What is evil? What is truth? What is falsehood?What should I do with my life? How best can I use my talents?What is happiness? Is there such a thing?Is there life after death?Is there anything else but...

Published:Thursday | June 14, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Tragedy strikes! Gunmen get caught in a frenzy. It's almost as though they have lost their minds! Drive-by shooting at the women and children! There is nowhere to go at night for recreation. The kids are playing in the streets in fear. They see...

Published:Thursday | June 7, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

In the ghetto, there is so much comedy. Yesterday at Good Shepherd, after lunch, I sat with two, then three. Suddenly, there were seven of our homeless and myself sitting in a circle. Donovan, a dwarf, now 25 years with us, about 45 years old, four...

Published:Thursday | May 31, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

I don't know if finally the right to life will be the position held by Jamaicans. There seems to be so much money and power involved in the abortion issue.Sex is such a precious issue, life is even a more precious issue, women are the bearers of new...

Published:Thursday | May 17, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

No self-consciousness, black as a brother can be, chubby and full of good cheer, Brother Maurice was most beloved in our community. His generosity was without limit; if 12 requests were made of him for the day - whether it be driving a truck,...

Published:Thursday | May 10, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Harold is joyful and childlike as he tells his story about life on Ladd Lane:"I am happy, Father. Just to be here with the brothers, singing songs, worshipping God, playing a domino game here and there, feeding a dying patient. It's all good, though...

Published:Thursday | May 3, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Why is it that jealousy rages in the hearts of men and women when, really, there is enough to go around for everybody? More-over, we are just who we are. There is enough land, there is enough food, there is enough clothes - if we are willing to work...

Published:Thursday | April 26, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

And so the battle continues between Satan and the great angel, St Michael the Archangel, for the soul of Jamaica, this beautiful and extraordinary island of ours, carved out to astonish and delight the world with its landscape, and its people.We...

Published:Thursday | February 22, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Saint Augustine says, "Work as though everything depends on you, and pray as though everything depends on God."Atheists do not believe in God. They don't know what they are missing: God's help, His actual grace and presence as He works with us; His...

Published:Thursday | February 15, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

There is this beautiful story, perfect for Lent, the story of Elijah and the widow in the Old Testament.No rain had fallen on the land. The Lord said to Elijah, "I have designated her to provide for you."He went to the city. A widow was gathering...

Published:Thursday | January 25, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

There is a Five Tenors concert this Sunday, January 28, at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm called Rejoice My Soul It will amaze and spellbind you! This group of men from the Father Ho Lung and Friends performers will fill you with joy and a sense of celebration...

Published:Thursday | November 2, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

The strange planning of the Lord never ceases to delight and amaze me. Forty six years ago, I had friends who were so full of music and rhythm and who brought so much joy to others. They stirred my heart and made me a little jealous. Though I was in...

Published:Thursday | August 31, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Whenever you go to the streets in the ghetto, to prisons, to the market place, to churches, to our homes for the destitute, there is talk about God. Whenever I go to the United States, Canada, or Europe, there is little talk about God.The pastors...

Published:Thursday | August 17, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

I will never forget Ruby. She lived on Mona Common in St Andrew, squatting with some 500 other families. She really was a Ruby of great price. She was quiet, gentle, smiling, but not without tragic lines along the corners of her lips. Then there...

Published:Thursday | August 3, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Brother Alphonse told me "I keep on learning what is the meaning of love".He smiled and shook his head."I never learn enough about loving, Father."Then, he related how many people come to Good Shepherd, and to all our centres.The overall in charge...

Published:Thursday | July 20, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Today, I visited with the Missionaries of the Poor Sisters. Did you know that we have a women's order of Sisters? They are at 13-15 Heroes Circle, Kingston at the Holy Innocent Centre. Their telephone numbers are 948-5775 and 967-1530. These sisters...

Published:Thursday | July 6, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Jamaica! Jamaica! Where are we going?There were so many gunshots this past week.There are so many dead each week.There are so many wounded this week.The anger multiplies with children battling with each other in the streets. Gunmen indiscriminately...

Published:Thursday | June 22, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

Brother Marc Maurice was to spend most of the day with me, at Holy Innocents where our Missionaries of the Poor Sisters care for some elderly rejected and abandoned old ladies picked up at the Kingston Public Hospital and the University Hospital of...

Published:Thursday | June 15, 2017 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung

"Father, why has the world gone so bad? I don't understand it. Jamaica was a kinder place, just a few years ago. Sometimes I have to counsel the brothers. They see, each day, a growing need to serve more and more homeless and destitute, and a fast...


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