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Published:Wednesday | August 17, 2011 | 12:00 AM

WESTERN BUREAU:Eight subjects, eight distinctions and one happy 17-year-old from Montego Bay, St James, whose dream of becoming a pharmacist motivated her to perform well in...

Published:Wednesday | August 17, 2011 | 12:00 AM

TWO FAR-REACHING pieces of legislation aimed at providing more effective tools to Jamaican law enforcement in the fight against crime - the anti-gang and DNA Evidence bills - are expected to be tabled in Parliament...

Published:Wednesday | August 17, 2011 | 12:00 AM

AS THE cash-strapped Bruce Golding administration huddled on Monday to carve out a Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure to be tabled in Parliament later this month, one economist is cautioning against cuts...

Published:Wednesday | August 17, 2011 | 12:00 AM

With immediate effect, the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) will no longer be storing dead-on-arrival (DOAs) bodies at its morgue.Yesterday, Lyttleton Shirley, chairman of the South East Regional Health Authority board, which has direct responsibility ...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

COMPLANT International, the Chinese firm that yesterday took control of the three remaining government-owned sugar factories, says it has already invested more than US$8 million (J$680 million) in the production of sugar...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Talk about drowning in debt! Just ask Hortense Hall, a Greater Portmore resident who has been slapped with a whopping $48-million water bill by the National Water Commission (NWC).
Hall, who was quick to assert that she was not awash with cash...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Q: I am 19 years old and in a steady relationship with my boyfriend, who is the same age.We seem to connect physically and we also have had some wonderful time when we are by ourselves.He has proposed to me, and I want to marry him....

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Businessman Lascelles Chin has been selected by The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) to be inducted into the organisation's Hall of Fame in 2011. The induction will take place during a banquet to be held on October 27 at the Wyndham Kingston Hotel...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

When it comes to her education, growing up in the tough inner-city area of Jones Avenue in Greendale, Spanish Town, St Catherine, has not been a deterrent for Kaydean Allen. That's because Kaydean, a student of Wolmer's High School for Girls...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Seventeen-year-old Regina Bish, whose high achievements began in the fifth grade when she entered her first Spelling Bee, has now garnered nine distinctions in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

THE BRUCE Golding administration has ruled out imposing new taxes on Jamaicans as part of its efforts to recalibrate the busted Budget.Daryl Vaz, minister with responsibility for information, told The Gleaner yesterday...

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Gaining nine distinctions in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations was no surprise for 16-year-old Shaniel May of Campion College as, she said, being a top achiever over the years has paved...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Today's handover of the Frome, Monymusk and Bernard Lodge sugar estates to Chinese firm COMPLANT International comes 13 years since the local industry was last in private hands.
But, despite the ills of the previous attempt...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

If most of the patients admitted to some of the country's major mental-health facilities had the capacity to take their cases to human-rights organisations, the Government would be in big trouble. That's the word coming from senior psychiatrist at the University of the West Indies....

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

In homes where parents are unable to afford to pay for supervision of their children when they are away at work, they worry about the trouble their youngsters might encounter while on their own. This summer, minors and youth...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Camille Buchanan has won the right to represent the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) as candidate in the newly formed St Catherine East Central.The selection, which took place at the Gregory Park Basic School in Portmore...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

MORE THAN 2,000 persons turned up at the Lititz Moravian Church to bid farewell to Rochelle Chin, a former Manchester High school student, who was murdered near her gate on July 25 in Junction St Elizabeth. Chin was remembered as a very opinionated 17...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

More stories of outstanding academic performances in this year's Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations are emerging. Up to yesterday, four other students have come forward with grade-one passes in at least nine subjects...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett on Saturday warned that the recent downgrading of the United States economy by rating agency Standard & Poor's could have serious implications for the tourism sector...

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Businessman William Mahfood yesterday stressed to graduates of the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) that innovative thinking is key for adapting to and operating successfully in the changing global economic environment....

Published:Monday | August 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC): Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar, seeking to ward off a pending national strike by disgruntled trade unions, has warned police officers that her...

Published:Sunday | August 14, 2011 | 12:00 AM

With the sentencing of David Smith, the mastermind behind the failed Ponzi scheme Olint, out of the way, United States prosecutors will now turn their focus on finding the money defrauded from thousands of persons. But Jamaicans, including politicians who might have received payouts from Olint, will not be targeted.

Published:Sunday | August 14, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Some Jamaicans who have carved out a niche in the United Kingdom (UK) over many years have found themselves, in recent times, perched near a ticking time bomb. They say last week's detonation was triggered by a seemingly innocuous act of protest over a man who was fatally shot, allegedly by the police under controversial circumstances.

Published:Sunday | August 14, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Scores of educational facilities in Portland, St Thomas, St James, and St Ann are failing to meet public-health standards for the safety of their students and staff.

Published:Sunday | August 14, 2011 | 12:00 AM

The Royal Botanical Gardens, Hope, got its official name when Queen Elizabeth II came to Jamaica in 1953. For most persons, though, it is simply Hope Gardens. A part of the huge former estate of English officer Major Richard Hope, the 230-acre property was made a public park in the 1870s into 1880s.


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