Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Debate crime, not IMF

Published:Friday | January 22, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

While a debate on the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is necessary, I believe that a full debate on the crime situation in Jamaica is more urgent and should be top priority and the Opposition should approach this with the same vigour that they have approached the IMF issue.

This crime debate should not be with a special group of persons from the two parties, rather it should be in Parliament with the police commissioner and all other persons and experts who can bring substance to the discussion.

Based on snippets of information from the press, it appears that there are a few pieces of legislation needed that will assist the police and the justice system in the overall management and reduction of crime. A debate/ investigation would therefore assist in informing the legislators, the politicians and the country just where we are, the barriers preventing the reduction in crime and what can be done to manage and reduce the high crime rate in the country.

In the meantime, with respect to Jamaica hosting Haitian refugees, it is a fact that there is a limit to the number that the country can handle at this time. However, if this number is exceeded, can we afford to close our borders and order them back out to sea?

What is now necessary is for CARICOM to meet and decide on the distribution of refugees among Caribbean nations in the event that there is mass migration.

I am, etc.,



Mandeville, Manchester