Wed | Jul 3, 2024

Grimy Montego Bay

Published:Thursday | June 27, 2024 | 12:07 AM


Recently, there has been a bug in the cleanliness of our number two city, MoBay. When one says that MoBay is grimy, one has to know what cleanliness is. I am sure that Mr Crump knows what he is talking about. We will have to get past the labelling game and call a spade a spade when it is no other tool in the arsenal but a spade. Jamaicans have a way of saying things that are politically correct instead of making true statements because they don’t want to rub anyone’s corn. The truth is, if you have corn, take care of it before you fit your shoes.

I want to thank Mr Crump for his labelling of the situation. Don’t try to tag the black cow, white. He will continue to eat the grass regardless what colour you want to give him.