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A masterful commentary on life

Published:Sunday | July 21, 2019 | 12:14 AM

The book cover of ‘Did the Right Sperm Win 2’.
The book cover of ‘Did the Right Sperm Win 2’.

Author: Vinette Hoffman-Jackson

Book: Did the Right Sperm Win 2

Critic: Glenville Ashby, PhD

In Did the Right Sperm Win 2, Vinette Hoffman-Jackson lends her experience as a motivational speaker to the written word. This time though, we have the luxury of rereading and grasping the many pedagogical tools she offers.

Arguably, this work, a blend of prose and verse, eclipses her first instalment. Transcending the banality and superciliousness of today’s inspirational fiction genre, she applies practical philosophy in resolving quotidian challenges.

She presents 30 relatable anecdotes followed by commentaries to invite discourse and self-reflection. Therein are timeless, instructive lessons on individuation, existentialism and free will.

Some of these interpretative narratives tower with imagination, none more so than ‘Camping,’ a tale of two campers faced with two options: keep the campfire lit and risk attracting dangerous animals, or extinguish it and freeze.

We find ourselves pondering, empathising with the story’s protagonists, agonisingly pressed to make the right decision.

Of this unenviable situation, Jackson-Hoffman writes, “The choice ultimately comes down to you. Choose to keep your fire on with full knowledge that your enemies will also see your lights and may or may not decide to come after you. Keep your fire lit will enable you to accomplish your true purpose but you will have to fight to prove you are worthy.

“Your second choice is to put that fire out and die in regret of what and who you could have been. You many avoid some of the fights but you will wither away knowing you have not fulfilled your why.”

She ends, “What is your choice?”

In ‘Seeing Treasures,’ she comments, “... be aware of some situations in life that may require us to close our eyes to certain distractions so that we may be able to see a clear vision of our ‘treasures.’ Don’t be afraid to turn away and close one eye to things that block your vision because sometimes that’s all it takes to see clearly.”

In the cleverly written ‘Masquerade Ball,’ Hoffman-Jackson asks for greater sensitivity towards others. Self-absorbed, we lose sight of humanity, unable to discern the masked pain of those we come into contact daily. “The next time you ask someone if they are okay,” she counsels, “please take the time to listen to both the verbal and non-verbal responses. Their smile might be a cry for help.”

Every commentary makes a defining statement on self-actualisation. “Everyone knows the exact moment when their internal fire inside becomes lit,” she says. “It is that moment when your current life suddenly feels inadequate as you feel like you can conquer the world ... you feel restless and want to go. This is the moment you realise exactly why you were created and what your purpose is.”

Most important days

According to the author, we are continually creating our reality by the decisions we make. She tests our imperturbability under pressure. Fittingly, she cites Mark Twain: ‘The most important days in one’s life is the day you were born and the day you find out why you were born.’

In one commentary, she writes, “It is easier to see outward changes but remember that you also need to change inwards. Your mindset should change. Your dreams should grow. Your standards should be higher. The value you place on yourself should have increased.”

Throughout, we are called to peer into the labyrinth of Self, to make your own decisions, deliberately and sometimes intuitively, at the many crossroads we encounter. Life, she argues, poses seemingly insurmountable obstacles, this we must accept. But in the dark night of the soul we must persevere. “In these moments, it is important to know where you can find a source of light – God, a friend, family, it is your choice ...”

This is the overarching crux of Hoffman-Jackson thesis.

It is in ‘Synchronicity,’ her signature anthem, that we are taught strength in awareness and given knowledge of life’s uninterrupted flow. We cannot push back at this rhythm but must accept its terms. They, the wise ones of yore, demonstrated that there is a seamless pattern to the cosmos, to all of nature, and that behind every dissonance is homoeostasis, if only we knew.

“Live in the now,” the author pens, “embrace this moment or subject yourself to unknown torment. Be still with the universe and move with the flow. The more you listen the more you will find you know.”

Never was there a time that the world was not weighed down by artificiality. Through this illusion, teachers emerge with lessons for those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Did the Right Sperm 2 might have just sealed Jackson-Hoffman’s standing as one of these bearers of truth.

Did the Right Sperm Win 2 by Vinette Hoffman-Jackson

© 2019 Vinetter Hoffman-Jackson

Publisher: Youcaxton Publications

ISBN: 978-9124191-65-4

Available at Amazon

Ratings: Essential

Feedback: or follow him on Twitter@glenvilleashby.